Events, resources, jobs

With the help of our sponsors, NextGen members are able to create relationships with tomorrow’s leading venture and private equity professionals. We host social events, fireside chats, and happy hours; create in-depth content and guides for young investors; and shine a spotlight on members of our community. By investing time today, members are able to forge the syndicates of tomorrow.

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The NextGen Board

Maitree Mervana Parekh
Investor, Acrew Capital
Salvatore Spina
Investor, Kyber Knight Capital
Sofia Montoya
Investor, Crosslink Capital
Alex Chung
Investor, Chai Ventures
David Bloom
Investor, The House Fund
Caro Scalercio
Investor, Watertower Ventures

Frequently Asked

Who's eligible to join?

Any individual who works at a Venture Capital or Private Equity fund at the pre-Partner level may join NextGen Partners. This typically includes those with the title of Principal, Vice President, Senior Associate, Associate, and Analyst.

Is it free to join?

All NextGen events are sponsored by service providers in Silicon Valley, and membership in NextGen is free to qualified members. Our sponsors present a mutually beneficial interaction during our events. These service providers are able to gain access to junior-level investment professionals, and are able to make a first impression. Members benefit from knowing the best service providers in Silicon Valley, and we have seen many lasting relationships begin at NextGen events.

Who can come to events?

You must be a registered NextGen member to attend events and in most cases, RSVPs are required ahead of time.

What type of events do you organize?

NextGen Partners, together with the group’s sponsors, organize bi-monthly professional development and social events that are typically located in San Francisco or Silicon Valley. We also have larger quarterly events and educational breakfasts that center around topics that are of interest to our members. Together with our sponsors, we host between 15 and 20 events per year. If you have idea for future events, please contact us! Lastly, we give back to the community through quarterly community service events.

When is the next event?

NextGen event notifications are emailed to members, usually two weeks prior to the event.